WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addicative chemical. The sale of tobacco products to minors is prohibited by law.

offiziell 2

@officiallolitakali2@tastefog_international @tastefog_official1 @tastefog_official2♬ Voll Sound cek yt Nabih Ikoo WG - Nabih Ikoo WG
@officiallolitakali2@tastefog_international @Tastefogwork3 @tastefog_official1 @tastefog_official2♬ Voll Sound cek yt Nabih Ikoo WG - Nabih Ikoo WG
@officiallolitakali2@Tastefogwork3 @tastefog_international @tastefog_official1 @tastefog_official2♬ suara asli - aldotupa
@officiallolitakali2@Tastefogwork3 @tastefog_international @tastefog_official1 @tastefog_official2♬ suara asli - dyandra - apa ya


Dëst Produkt ass geduecht fir mat E-Liquid Produkter ze benotzen déi Nikotin enthalen.Nikotin ass eng Suchtfaktor Chemikalie.

Dir musst sécher sinn datt Ären Alter 21 oder méi al ass, da kënnt Dir dës Websäit weider duerchsichen.Soss, loosst weg a maacht dës Säit direkt zou!